What Do You Do At A Casino

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Did you know that, at any time, there are progressive jackpots worth millions in play? Head online and you can easily check the status of every progressive slot and see where every jackpot currently stands.

  1. List Of All Usa Casinos
  2. Penn National Casino Pa

In the interest of protecting their gaming licenses, many casinos employ independent security, and some may even have a police presence. Even the slightest hint of suspicious or questionable activity will be. If you were to tell someone that you’ve worked in the gambling industry, they’d most likely say whoa and wow. Well certainly, there were some wow moments, so now I’m going to share a few things that only people who have worked at a casino will be able to tell you. A casino is a facility for certain types of gambling. Casinos are often built near or combined with hotels, resorts, restaurants, retail shopping, cruise ships, and other tourist attractions. Some casinos are also. Secretaries and receptionists work in casino resorts as do maintenance crews. So, if you have what hiring managers deem “transferable skills,” the ability to take what you learned at your previous jobs.

At the time of writing, the total jackpot pool is a mind-blowing £86,590,947.00. It changes every time a slot if played. At the Casino Listings website, they have been monitoring progressive slot jackpots since 2009. The total paid out: £2,603,105,596.00. Yes: that is £2.6 billion.

Most of that total is from relatively small wins of less than £1,000. However, there are 100s of new millionaires who hit a fat win on a lucky spin. The bottom line: they may be very rare but jackpots do land.

What do you do when you score a big one? Here’s our top ten guide to getting wise with those winnings.

1. Kill the Credit

It’s no secret that credit and store cards are some of the most expensive ways to borrow money. The typical Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on a credit card ranges from 16% to 25%. For store cards, the APR is even higher, with an average of around 25%.

Basically: you are paying money to borrow money. In the case of these cards, it’s often a lot of money. Clear these debts first and enjoy the freedom.

2. Home A Loan No Longer

Mortgages are one of life’s essential hardships: huge loans that enable us to buy our own home. The lender takes a risk and it comes at a cost: interest. Fixed or variable, we all pay a huge amount to borrow that money and it takes decades to clear.

Extending a mortgage is often the cheapest way to borrow money but – as you have just pocketed that progressive jackpot – you no longer need that loan. Clear the mortgage and own your home. Do watch out for early mortgage closure penalties in your contract. It might pay to wait a few months before settling to avoid additional charges.

3. Keep It Real Estate

Someone famously once said that ‘landlords get rich in their sleep’. House prices can rise and fall but Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Trump can all vouch for the value of property. It’s hard to lose and difficult to steal. Get a well-behaved tenant and it can also make you a nice income.

4. Get A Pension

Windfalls can come with a heavy tax liability. One way to claw back some of that cash is with a pension. Seek a reputable financial advisor and futureproof that jackpot win. Bet on the future, and make sure you’re still smiling about that lucky spin in your golden years.

5. Get Arty

Investing in art is not only a sensible way to lock up some money. It’s also a lot of fun and looks great on the wall. The one golden rule: buy what you like. This way, if it tanks in value, at least you get to enjoy it.


One good way to lock in the value of your arty asset is to buy ‘a name’. Investing in a Banksy, Warhol, Hirst, or Emin is a fairly safe bet. These artists have been around for a while and their art holds its price. Make sure anything you buy has good provenance.

6. Accelerate and Accumulate

If you have got the willpower to park it in the garage, a classic car is always a rock-solid investment. Consider the Ferrari 250 GTO. Only 39 were ever made. In 2018, a mint condition 1962 model sold for $48.4 million. Don’t leave that in the layby overnight.

7. Wine On

The key to being a successful investor in the world of rare wine is not to drink your assets. Away for the weekend?? You better make sure they don’t make a bowl of punch out of that 1945 Domaine de la Romanee-Conti. It sold for £424,000 in 2018.

But seriously, wine is a good investment with some great returns. A diminishing asset that holds its value. Take advice.


8. Coins, Comics, and Other Collectables

A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing but, if you are passionate about comics, coins, or any other collectible, you can indulge your hobby with a jackpot win. Now you can afford to buy that gold sovereign, first edition of Batman, or Gibson guitar that Eric Clapton played when he was in Cream. At worst, you’ll get a kick out of them.

9. Cryptocurrency

What Do You Do At A Casino

List Of All Usa Casinos

The world of Bitcoin is a rollercoaster. Siphon off a little bit of your jackpot win and explore cryptocurrency. This is definitely not a safe investment but there is money to be made, if you dare ride the waves of Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

10. Enjoy

You’ve invested. You’ve been sensible. Now, it’s time to enjoy your jackpot. Take that holiday of a lifetime, turn left when you enter the plane, cruise the world, buy that five-carat shiny rock. You only live once and, as someone famously once said: if you do it right, once is enough. Good luck winning that jackpot!

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onlinecasinoselite.org › Blog › The 8 Types of People That You'll Meet at a Casino

The casino is an interesting, colorful, and lively place. The minute you step inside one, you'll find yourself immediately drawn into the action on the floor. First-timers may even be mesmerized by all the colors, the machines, the chatter. Best of all, you'll meet a lot of people – individuals from different sectors of society – inside a casino.

Not everyone who goes to the casino is there to play or gamble. Some people go there to drink or relax. Some, believe it or not, simply go to casinos to people watch. The casino crowd is as diverse as diverse can be. Here is a list of the people you are bound to meet when you get inside a casino, no matter what time of day or what day of the week it is.

Getting to Know the People in a Casino

1. Young and Enthusiastic Salaried Players

These are people who are usually in their early 20s and working a day job in a corporate office. They are either fresh graduates or sophomores in their jobs. This bunch does not believe in saving their salaries, so they spend a lot of time at the casino. Sometimes, they stay at the slot machines; other times, they go a little daring and play the roulette or some Blackjack.

2. The Lucky First-Timer

This person can be in his late 20s or early 30s. He has always wanted to try his luck at the casino and now that he finally has the money, he decides to spend the night playing. He first tries out the slot machines, and as he starts collecting wins, he moves on to the poker table, where he wins some more. His beginner's luck may irritate some players, but he does not really care. All that he knows is he's finally living his dream!

3. Grandma and Grandpa at the Slot Machines

Grandma and grandpa's idea of a romantic getaway is a trip to the casino, where they spend the whole night trying out all the slot machines. They'll be wearing matching floral outfits, too! They have with them a small bag, where they intend to keep their winnings. They may hit the jackpot from time-to-time, but what they're really enjoying is the free entertainment, the free drinks, and each other's company.

4. The Depressed Gentleman or Lady

He or she enters the casino alone, loneliness all over his/her face. He/she heads off to the bar and orders some drink. After drowning out his/her sorrows through alcohol, he/she proceed to the tables to play some games. All the loneliness on his/her face radiates a negative energy, so our depressed player gets even more depressed after losing several times.

5. He Who Plays With and Loses Hard Earned Money

Penn National Casino Pa

This man walks into the casino and goes straight to the tables. He starts at the roulette and shells out half of the money in his wallet. He loses. He still has some money left, so he moves to the poker table and uses all the cash he has. He loses again. He retreats to the bar and claims his free drink. He eventually goes home after realizing he just lost his hard earned money in one night.

6. The Curious Player

This guy does not really know what he is doing. He plays poker even if he does not understand the game. He goes to the Blackjack table, places a bet, and plays, even if he does not know what he has to do to win. At times, you'll see him at the bar, trying to persuade someone to explain to him how the roulette is played. Other times, he'll be playing Blackjack while reading a how-to-play book. This player can get on your nerves after some time, but didn't we all go through the curious phase, too?

7. The Waitress and The Bartender

They who have seen it all. They know practically everything that happens inside the casino day in and day out. They know who the regular players are and may even call them by first names. They know the player's styles, quirks, weaknesses, and strengths. The waitress may have been hit on by men (including dirty old men), and the bartender may have received more than stares from ladies, but they don't mind because they earn well.

8. The Big Spender, The Cool Dude, and The Know-It-All

The big spender shows off his money by betting large amounts on all the games he joins in. He doesn't mind losing; what's important for him is people notice his money. The cool dude is like the happy go lucky single lady who fleets from table to table having fun and enjoying every game, often winning and sometimes losing. The Know-It-All believes he can beat everyone at every game. Of course, this is far from the truth.

So, you see? The casino is quite an interesting place even if you do not gamble. The people you meet there will make your experience worth remembering!

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